Foxes are typically nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day and come out at night. But this doesn’t apply to all species.
Foxes have developed different season and daily activity cycles, depending on their habitat. Some foxes will be more active than others at certain times of the year and day.
But what does “most active” mean?
In this article, we’ll break down what seasonality means for fox activity levels as well as foxes’ daily activity patterns.
What Time of Day Are Foxes Most Active?
In general, foxes are most active during the night, while they’ll rest and recharge during the day.
Fox behaviors have been scientifically observed thoroughly and there seems to be a consensus that they are generally nocturnal in nature.
It’s important to note, that most hunting activity takes place during dusk and dawn hours which suggest crepuscularity.
However, the high adaptability of foxes, and the frequent changes in their habitats, also gives rise to different behaviors and activity.
A study suggests that changes in daily activity patterns of the red fox are determined by human presence. If the possibility of being disturbed by humans is high, the red fox will avoid coming out at these times of the day. [1]

Are Foxes Crepuscular? (Active at Dusk & Dawn)
Yes and no. While red foxes are considered nocturnal animals, this species has a very high crepuscular tendency.
This means that they are very active during the twilight hours at dusk and the early morning hours at dawn.
Foxes’ activity pattern is dependent on the behavior of available prey in their area. Foxes can also adapt to new daily cycles to avoid possible predators that share the same geographical territory as them.
The Cape fox is another species that is considered nocturnal but is very active during dusk and dawn.

Are Foxes Nocturnal? (Active at Night)
Most foxes are considered nocturnal, meaning, their main activities take place during the night.
It’s not uncommon to hear foxes rummaging through garbage bins at night or them barking to sound off a warning to other foxes that may be encroaching their territory.
The fennec fox, the Arctic fox, the Blanford’s fox, and the pale fox are examples of true foxes that are primarily nocturnal.
Foxes have developed incredible night vision, which allows them to better hunt when the sun goes down.
Related: Can foxes see in the dark?

Are Foxes Diurnal?
No, foxes are not considered to be diurnal.
For an animal to be diurnal, its main activities have to take place during the day, which is not the typical case for foxes.
While they are not diurnal, they can occasionally be active during the day. An example of this is seen in urban foxes. These will be more active during the day when there isn’t much prey around to hunt at night.
There are times when foxes can be seen during the day when they are looking for scraps, a place to rest, or if they’re looking for a den. But for the most part, foxes sleep in their den during the day.

What Time of Year Are Foxes Most Active?
Seasonality plays a big role in fox behavior, as they will embark on different activities at different times of the year.
For instance, during mating season (February – April) male foxes will be out looking for mates. They will do this until May when it’s time to settle down with one partner and raise fox kits together.
During these months you may see two or three foxes traveling together at night.
When the babies are born in April, you will see more activity. This is due to the foxes getting food to feed their young or out defending their territory.
Do Foxes Hibernate?
No, foxes do not hibernate. They are active at all times of the year. Colder temperatures hardly change their routine.
Foxes exhibit seasonal adaptation as they have longer and thicker fur during the winter. As the temperature rises again in spring, they will shed the winter coat in favor of shorter and thinner fur.
This seasonal change in fur color is most spectacular in the Arctic foxes as they have summer coats that are typically brown with black patches and have a beautiful white coat in the winter.
Related: Do foxes hibernate?
Different Fox Species and Their Activity Levels
Different fox species thrive in different habitats so their activity levels have adapted to the environments that they live in.
It is generally believed that the activity levels of foxes coincide or are synchronized with the activity levels of the available prey in their region. [2]
Their activity levels also change according to seasons when food sources become lean and when they are near mating season.
Species | Activity Pattern |
Red fox | Crepuscular |
Fennec fox | Nocturnal |
Arctic fox | Nocturnal |
Related: What is a fox?
When Are Red Foxes Most Active
Springtime in the northern parts of North America is a peak season for red fox sightings.
Red foxes are nocturnal and are very active at night and will peak at twilight and early dawn when their prey is most active as well.
However, don’t be surprised to see a red fox passing by on your property during the day as they can have sporadic activity during the day as well.

When Are Fennec Foxes Most Active
The fennec fox is a nocturnal animal and it has several reasons for this behavior.
First of all, they avoid any excessive heat. With their fur coat, foxes can easily overheat.
Fennex foxes hunt for food, and during the night they can easily stay hidden. This makes hunting a lot easier.

Foxes are nocturnal animals but can be crepuscular. They can also be active during the day, depending on what species they belong to and where they reside in their environment.
Mating season is when foxes become more active and can be seen more frequently. They need to find a mate, as well as provide for their kits, which will increase activity levels.
What Time Do Foxes Come Out at Night?
Foxes are considered to be nocturnal animals. This means they’re active at night. Many foxes start venturing out near dusk when the sun is setting. They’ll remain active until dawn when the sun rises again.
These are the optimal times of day to hunt for small prey.
Foxes can also be considered crepuscular creatures because their activity spans from dawn to dusk. The twilight hours often confuse small animals so they have lower defenses that the foxes can take advantage of.
Are Foxes More Active in Summer or Winter?
Foxes don’t hibernate, meaning, they remain active during winter. Most mating takes place in late winter (January and February) and will give birth during spring (March and April).
This is why you might see more fox activity in April and May since the adult foxes need to hunt for food to feed their kits.
Are Foxes Active During the Day?
Yes, foxes can be active during the day even if they are considered to be nocturnal. They adapt so well to their habitats, so they have no problem being up during the day if their prey is active at these times.
You can even see foxes with their litter during the day as they come out of their den to play or forage for food.
Do Foxes Hunt at Night?
Yes, Foxes hunt at night. Foxes are typically nocturnal, meaning that they usually hunt at night. They typically start when the sun is about to set and become more active well into the night up to the early hours of dawn.
However, there have been cases where foxes have hunted during the day as well.
In urban areas where foxes coexist with humans, it is not uncommon to hear foxes screaming at night. This is their way of communicating to either establish a territory and warn other foxes that may intrude or a way for vixens to look for possible mates.