Chinchillas are easy to take care of and make great pets. They are low maintenance and are suitable for beginners. Chins are also clean and do not need much interaction if they are kept in groups.
Chinchillas are small rodents native to the South American continent. They are famous around the world for their smooth fur, which is one of the softest furs in the world.
They are kept as pets all across the globe because they make excellent pets and are good for beginners.
This article discusses how hard it is to take care of a chinchilla and provides you with tips to help you care for your pet chinchilla effectively.
Are Chinchillas Easy to Take Care Of?
Yes, chinchillas are easy to take care of. If provided with the right environment and temperature, chinchillas live happily and don’t need much care or attention.
Getting a chinchilla as a pet can be a good decision if you don’t want to invest much time caring for your pet. They don’t need a lot of special care and attention.
They are relatively easy pets compared to some other small rodents, such as hamsters which require a lot of training and attention.
Chinchillas are easy to care for, like degus which also make great pets. They are easy to clean and do not need a lot of interaction unless they are living alone.
If you keep a single chinchilla, you do need to provide constant attention. They are social animals and need interaction to fulfill their social needs. If you keep chinchillas in groups, they remain happy and content.

How to Take Care of Chinchillas
Chinchillas need a consistent supply of food and water. They also need dust baths several times a week and a proper-sized cage to stay happy and healthy.
Taking care of a chinchilla is easy but requires attention.
Chinchillas in the wild are self-dependent and live in colonies of up to a hundred chins[1]. This helps them fulfill their social interaction needs.
Pet chinchillas are dependent on humans to fulfill their basic needs.
There are certain things you must pay attention to properly care for your chinchilla:
- Diet
- Grooming
- Medical care
- Sleep
- Exercise
Related: Chinchilla Cage Setup

Chinchillas need proper diet and nutrition to remain healthy and fit. A chinchilla can continue to eat throughout the day as they are slow eaters [2]. Hay and pellets are the primary source of food for chinchillas.
Ensure that you feed your chinchilla specially formulated pellets made for chinchillas. Any other type of pellets is bad for them and can cause digestive issues.
Always give them fresh hay. Chinchillas throw the stale hay to show you that they require fresh hay.
Chinchillas can also be given certain types of fruits and vegetables occasionally:
- Green apples
- Apricots
- Raisins
- Almonds
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Peas
Do not offer excessive treats to your pet chinchilla as they are not good for their health. Occasional treats are good for training.
Chins also require a constant supply of water to remain hydrated.

Chinchillas are clean and odor-free animals. They don’t smell and take good care of their hygiene, unlike hamsters and rabbits.
One of the favorite activities of chinchillas is dust baths. They cannot bathe in water due to their dense fur. If a chinchilla’s fur gets wet, it can take a lot of time to dry, leaving the skin prone to infections and bacterial accumulation.
Giving chinchillas a dust bath is a pain-free process. They love rolling in the sand and cleaning themselves.
To give them a dust bath, simply put some chinchilla bath sand inside a bowl and place your chinchilla in it.
After a few minutes, remove the excess sand from your chin’s fur and place it back into the cage. Chinchillas also do not require much brushing to keep their fur smooth.
Medical Care

Unlike other rodents such as rats and mice, chinchillas are not prone to many health issues. This means they don’t require frequent visits to the vet.
Most chinchilla owners can go years without ever having to take their chinchilla to a doctor.
The most common medical issue chinchillas face is their teeth. Their teeth never stop growing and can become a problem if left uncared for.[3]

Chinchillas are nocturnal. This means that they sleep during the day and are active at night. They are most active during the evenings, making it a great time for interactions and exercise.
If you prefer interacting with your pet at night, a chinchilla is a great pet for you. This is best for people working full-time day jobs who want to interact with their pets when they get home.
If you prefer a pet that is active during the day, you are better off getting a different pet. Ensure that your chinchilla remains undisturbed during the daytime, as they spend this time resting.
Training and Exercise

Chinchillas are trainable but they can be tedious. Use treats when training a chinchilla. This makes them more susceptible to learning.
Chinchillas are smart, but they can’t learn many tricks. They can be trained to use the litter box to urinate.
Chins also require a few hours of exercise every day. Taking your chinchilla out of the cage and letting it run freely in a secure room can help your chinchilla remain active and healthy.
Related: How Smart Are Chinchillas?
5 Reasons Why Chinchillas Are Easy to Take Care Of
There are many reasons why chinchillas are good pets and easy to take care of:
- They are easy to feed and clean.
- Chins are friendly and affectionate pets.
- They can be left alone in a secluded room, provided they are in groups.
- Chinchillas do not require frequent visits to a veterinarian.
- Basic chinchilla requirements (food, cage, dust baths) are cheap and easily available in the markets.
5 Reasons Why Chinchillas Are Hard to Take Care Of
While chinchillas make great pets, there are some reasons why having a chinchilla is a nuisance:
- Chinchillas require a low temperature to remain cool due to their heavy fur.
- They require exercise time outside the cage.
- Chins can hide in nooks and corners when put out of their cage for exercise.
- Their bodies are fragile, and their bones can break easily.
- Chins live for more than 10 years, making it a long-term commitment.
Related: Baby Chinchilla Care
Chinchillas are easy to care for. They have few needs and can be kept successfully by most people. They do need a proper diet and water supply to remain healthy, as well as occasional dust baths to clean themselves as they cannot bathe in water.
Getting a chinchilla is a long-term commitment. They live for more than a decade, with some living beyond 20 years. If you want a pet that is cheap and easy to take care of, a chinchilla is a great option
Are Chinchillas Playful?
Yes, chinchillas are playful and active. They love exploring the cage and enjoy their exercise time outside the cage. Regular playtime is great for chinchillas and makes them happy and healthy.
Are Chinchillas High Maintenance?
No, chinchillas are not high maintenance. Chins only need hay, pellets, water, and occasional dust baths to remain healthy. All of these are easily available and do not cost much. If you keep multiple chinchillas, you don’t even have to worry about interacting with your pet, as they can keep each other company.
Is It Difficult to Take Care of a Chinchilla?
Chinchillas are easy to take care of. They don’t demand much from their owners. Daily exercise, proper nutrition, and dust baths can make chinchillas happy. You should also provide your single chinchilla with regular interaction to fulfill its social needs.