Ant colonies are a fascinating concept. They may seem simple, but ant colonies have an intricate social structure.
Ants live in ant nests and they can be differentiated by the roles that they play within the colony.
In this article, we will explore ant colonies, from their basic anatomy to how ants go about their day-to-day lives – as well as how ant populations grow over time.
To start off with, let’s look at what an ant colony actually is and why it exists in the first place.
What Is an Ant Colony?
An ant colony is a group of ants that live together in the same nest. The term usually refers to several million ants (or more), all living together with one goal: survival/growth of their species.
Usually, an ant colony will have a queen, who is responsible for reproduction, and some worker ants, who do not reproduce themselves, but help take care of the ant queen’s offspring.

Ant colonies are usually found in ant nests, which can be underground or above ground (the small hills created by ants, when they dig out underground tunnels, are called anthills).
The colony size can vary greatly in size from a few dozen ants to millions of ants living together at the same time. Each ant has its own set of responsibilities, tasks, and jobs that need to be done. When all ants in the colony do their jobs, they can achieve great things.
What’s the Lifespan on an Ant Colony?
The ant colony can have a lifespan of approximately 20 years. The ant population within the colony is constantly changing, so there are always new ants being born and dying off throughout time. The ant colony usually dies off when the queen can no longer produce young.
The ant nest lifespan depends on how often it is disturbed and whether predators come to get rid of the ants inside. The ant nests last about a year before they need to be abandoned, if not maintained properly.
The Ant Nest: Physical Structure of an Ant Colony
Ant colonies live in nests. These nests are composed of several chambers and tunnels. There is a great diversity among ant colonies when it comes to the number and shape of these nesting structures; some ants make their homes inside plant stems or wood while others construct vast underground networks with millions of inhabitants.

Building the Nest (Tunnels, Midden and Center)
An ant nest can be built from the bottom up, or from the top down (depending on the starting point).
First, several small ant nests are created that will eventually join together to create a larger ant nest as more ants join in and start digging down into the ground. In underground ant colonies, tunnels are usually dug directly beneath where food has been found.
In most cases, there’s at least one opening somewhere on the surface so that air currents can flow through from aboveground throughout these vast networks below.
The tunnels in an ant nest can be very large and spread out over multiple acres with thousands upon thousands of members. Ants can also build an aboveground mound called an anthill.
The Midden is another structure they make after building a series of tunnels. The Midden serves as a garbage dump for ant wastes.
Ants are very picky about what they bring into their nests, which is why the dirt around their tunnels is dry and loose – not compacted at all.
The Center of an ant colony contains ants who do nothing but care for eggs, larvae, and pupae. These ant types serve no other purpose besides caring for ant babies. This means feeding and cleaning them.
They groom these new younglings with secretions from special glands found within their mouths, then pass some along to worker ants nearby who can pass it onto ant larvae.
How Big Is an Ant Nest?
An ant nest can grow to be quite large, and the size of an ant’s colony is often dependent on its species.
For example, leafcutter ant nests are usually larger than other ant colonies because they have a very specialized job that requires more ants in order for them to complete it.
Where Do Ants Build nests?
Ant nests are usually underground, but can also be found on the surface of anthills or ant mounds. The soil that is used to make an ant nest must have good drainage and enough oxygen content for ants to live easily within it.

How Many Ants Are in an Ant Colony?
Some ant nests may only hold a couple hundred or thousand workers, some ant nests will reach over one million. That’s a lot of ants.
Also read: How many ants are there in a colony and super-colony?
There are different types of ant colonies, but in general, an ant colony has one queen ant and the rest are workers who do all the tasks necessary to keep up with life in a colony (such as building tunnels or looking for food).
There can be thousands upon thousands (or even millions) of worker ants in a single ant nest.
Which Ant Forms the Largest Colony?
The largest ant colony in the world is an Argentine ant supercolony. This colony has built a nest covering more than 6,000 kilometers in the Mediterranean region.

This ant species build a giant mound, which can be as tall as three meters (ten feet) off the ground.
The queen ant lays thousands of eggs during her lifetime, making sure there are always enough worker ants around for all their daily tasks. In fact, every year she will keep giving birth until she dies — if the colony isn’t attacked by predators.
The Social Structure of an Ant Colony
The ant colony is made up of different types of ants that have specific jobs. The ant society has three main castes: the queen, worker, and drone ant.
While each ant in a colony does their duty for survival within the ant colony ecosystem, certain roles are more prominent than others.
Ant colonies live and work together to ensure they protect one another from outside threats — this includes protecting the colony from humans as well.
It’s important you take precautions when invading an ant nest or disturbing it during construction projects on your property. If disturbed too much by humans, like mowing grass where nests can be found (in mulch beds), this could cause some serious issues with these little creatures.
Social Hierarchy
Ants live in an ant colony where they are divided into different groups or castes. The three main types of ant caste include the queen, worker ants, and male ant drones.
The queen is the most important, and the workers are the most dispensable.
Queen Ant
In ant colonies, there is a queen ant that lays all the eggs. The job of the queen ant is to lay eggs and create her colony.
Queen ants are females that have mated with male ants from other ant colonies. After mating, they go back to their colony and give birth to thousands of baby ants. These little eggs will grow up as workers or soldier ants over time.
A queen ant is usually very big compared to all of the other ants. She needs the size to produce a lot of eggs.

Worker Ants
Worker ants are the ants that make up the largest amount of population in a colony. They can be found looking for food, looking out for predators like spiders and wasps, or caring for ant larvae (immature ants).
These worker ants take care of their queen ant by feeding her with regurgitated food they bring back to the nest. Worker ants also look after any eggs within an ant colony; if they find an egg anywhere it shouldn’t be, the ants will move the egg into another area where warmth is more prevalent.

Male Ants
Male ants are usually fertile, and most ant colonies have at least some males. However, male ants do very little work in the ant colony that they live in.
Male ant eggs mature into adult male ants with wings. Some of these flying male ant creatures mate during mating season when older queen ant insects die off or fly away to start new colonies elsewhere.

Alates (Flying Ants)
Some ants will be born with wings. These ants are called alates and are the ones that will someday fly off to mate. These are fertile male ants.
Brood (Eggs, Larvae, Pupae)
Ants are first born as eggs, then they transform into larvae and later pupae. This is the brood.
The worker ants take care of their young and also defend them from any threats (for example other insects or animals).
After about three weeks the eggs will hatch into adults. The eggs will usually hatch into female workers, but some become males.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens to an Ant Colony When the Queen Dies?
An ant colony without a queen is like the Energizer Bunny with no batteries. It just stops working, and all of its functions shut down or die out. The ant society will not continue to exist in the same way that it would if there was still an ant queen leading them. They need her for their survival because she has special reproductive organs which allow her to lay eggs at any given time during the year (and sometimes more than once per day).
Also read: What happens to an ant colony if a queen ant dies?
Is There a Hierarchy in an Ant Colony?
An ant colony is a social community made up of several ant species and thousands to millions of individual ants. Ants live in colonies because they work together for the good of their society, and each ant has his or her role within that society. The queen ant lays eggs which become new members of the colony.
How Many Queens Are in an Ant Colony?
An ant colony can have many queens, but it is rare to find more than one within the same ant nest. If a colony has multiple queens it’s usually a supercolony.
How Many Ants Are in a Colony?
There are thousands of ant species, and each ant has different numbers in its colony. Some ants only have one queen ant that can lay up to 700 eggs per day. Ants like these live for about 30 years, while other ant colonies may consist of hundreds or even millions of ants!
How Do You Kill an Ant Colony?
Ant colonies work by ant labor. One ant is not more important than another, and everyone in a colony has their role to play that keeps the ant colony alive. If you kill an ant, it does not take down the whole ant nest – other ants can step up and keep living there just fine after one of them dies.