The mix between a Tibetan Mastiff and a Siberian Husky results in a stubborn but unique dog. Husky Tibetan Mastiffs are a large breed that requires lots of training and attention. If raised incorrectly, they can become aggressive.
The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is perfect if you are looking for a guard dog.
With a high level of intelligence and an affectionate attitude, Tibetan Mastiff Huskies are also great for families with kids. With a special diet and lots of energy, these dogs are not for everyone.
In this article, we’ll talk about how they develop, how long they live, what health problems are they prone to, and how to care for a Husky Tibetan Mix.
Husky Tibetan Mastiff Mix Characteristics
Husky Tibetan Mastiffs inherit different characteristics from their parents. For example, their temper depends on what parent they inherit the most from. One of the things the two breeds have in common is their stubbornness. If you decide to get a Husky Mastiff, be ready for a difficult experience.
The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is perfect for owners with experience. Because they are a mixed breed, their exact personality is hard to predict. Learn more about your dog’s parents and their breeds if you want to approximate its characteristics.
23-28 inches
60-130 pounds
10–16 years
Dog Breed Group
Mixed Breed
Coat Type
Coat length
Coat color
Black, tan, brown, golden, grey, white, light, red, agouti[3]
Grooming Difficulty
Apartment living
Good for beginners
Can be alone
Cold weather tolerance
Hot weather tolerance
Friendliness & Temper
Friendly to Strangers
Trainability & Needs
Easy to train
Hunting Instinct
Energy Level
Another common characteristic of Huskies and Tibetan Mastiffs is the level of affection for their families. Husky Mastiffs make the perfect companions. If they resemble their Mastiff parent more, they are amazing guard dogs too.
Related: 21 Tibetan Mastiff Mixed Breeds
3 Reasons Not to Get a Tibetan Husky
Tibetan Huskies are unique dogs. With this comes a lot of responsibility. They are large, stubborn dogs that require a lot of training and attention. If you don’t take proper care of your Tibetan Husky, they will become impossible to handle.
There are three main reasons you shouldn’t get a Tibetan Husky:
- Size
- Temper
- High maintenance
1. Size

The Tibetan Mastiff Husky is a large mixed breed. It needs a lot of space to grow and play. With the right training, Tibetan Huskies can even live in an apartment.
You shouldn’t get a Tibetan Husky if you cannot provide it with the proper space. It will end up destroying your home.
2. Temper
Tibetan Huskies are stubborn, have a high prey drive, and can become aggressive. They need proper training and lots of socialization. Tibetan Huskies need owners who know how to handle their impulsive reactions.
This makes them unsuitable for owners with no experience.
Related: Are Tibetan Mastiffs Aggressive?
3. High Maintenance
Tibetan Mastiff Huskies are needy dogs. They can quickly develop separation anxiety when left alone. This will cause them to destroy your house. To relieve stress, your dog can also chew your slippers, shoes, or any other object.
Tibetan Huskies need care and patience 24 hours/day. Do not leave your dog alone outside during the night. Keep it inside, close to you, to avoid nighttime anxiety.
If you have a job that requires you to leave your dog on its own for multiple hours, a Tibetan Husky is not a good fit.
5 Reasons to Get a Tibetan Husky
Tibetan Mastiff Huskies have lots of positive traits. They are playful and cuddly with their owners and other dogs. Tibetan Huskies are also clean, intelligent, faithful, and protective of their owners. They are the perfect guard dogs for caring people.
Owning a Husky Tibetan is an amazing experience. If you are not sure if this breed is a good match for you, here are some of the positives:
- They are affectionate with family.
- They are friendly with other dogs.
- Tibetan Mastiff Husky mixes are Intelligent.
- They are playful.
- They don’t smell a lot.
1. Affectionate With Family

Both Tibetan Mastiffs and Huskies are affectionate dogs. They enjoy spending time with their family. The mix between the two results in a loving dog that wants to spend as much time as possible with its owners.
2. Friendly With Other Dogs
Husky Mastiffs like playing with other dogs. Socialization is an important part of their life, not only in the puppy stage. If you train your Husky Tibetan Mastiff properly, you won’t have any problems when encountering other dogs.
3. Intelligent
The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is an intelligent breed. They want to please their owner and make them happy.
If they are yelled at, scared, or confused, Husky Mastiffs will act up and become stubborn. Their feelings get hurt fast, even by small gestures. Your dog will not listen to you until you make it happy again.
Husky Mastiffs also dislike when their owners argue. If there are kids around, a Husky Mastiff will not tolerate anyone yelling at them. They are protective dogs that will do anything to protect their families.
4. Playful

Tibetan Mastiff Huskies love running around and playing. They enjoy being outdoors, especially on colder days.
5. Little Odor
Tibetan Mastiffs and Huskies don’t smell. They have little to no odor. The mix between the two inherits this trait. Tibetan Huskies are the perfect breed for those who do not want their house to smell.
Tibetan Mastiff Siberian Husky Mix Appearance
It’s difficult to predict a Tibetan Mastiff Siberian Husky mix’s appearance. Their height, weight, and coat color depending on their genetics. Puppies within the same litter even have different appearances. Their long double coat is the only aspect you can surely expect.
The Husky Mastiff is a large dog that can reach up to 28 inches and weigh more than 60 pounds. Their size when fully grown depends on which parent they resemble the most.
Both Siberian Huskies and Tibetan Mastiffs come in a variety of colors. Because of this, there are many options for a Husky Mastiff’s coat color. Take a look at its parents and ask for your breeder’s professional opinion on the matter if you want to have a brief idea of your dog’s future characteristics.

Grooming Your Tibetan Mastiff Husky
Tibetan Mastiffs and Siberian Huskies are breeds that shed heavily during the year. The mix between the two needs proper grooming because of their double coats. Keep in mind to brush your Husky Mastiff weekly.
Huskies need more grooming than an average dog. They shed twice a year[4], while Tibetan Mastiffs only shed once. Your Tibetan Mastiff Husky can resemble either of its parents. In any case, it will need lots of brushing. During the shedding period, it is important to brush your dog daily. Pin brushes and metal combs are perfect for removing the old coat.
If you want to bathe your dog, ask your vet how often you should do it. You shouldn’t bathe your Husky Mastiff too often. It can cause skin dryness.
Tibetan Mastiff Husky Mix Temperament
Both Tibetan Mastiffs and Siberian Huskies are stubborn, hard-to-train dogs. This characteristic is genetically passed on to the Tibetan Husky. Keep in mind that as long as you train your dog properly, you will not encounter any behavioral problems.
Husky Mastiffs don’t always come back when called. This is why it is important to never walk them without a leash.
They also like jumping over fences and running. Take that into consideration when getting a Husky Mastiff. Unless you want your dog to run away, you need tall and sturdy fences.
The temperament of your Tibetan Husky depends a lot on its genetics. They are territorial dogs that can easily become aggressive. If your dog resembles the Tibetan Mastiff parent more, it will not tolerate strangers at all.
Are Tibetan Mastiffs Mixed With Huskies Good With Kids?
If you have older kids at home, a Tibetan Mastiff Husky is the perfect dog for you. They are caring and protective dogs who love to play around. Due to their large size, they are not recommended for families with toddlers.
A Husky Mastiff can be the perfect furry friend for your children. Because of the Mastiff parent’s genes, it will only tolerate family members. Your Husky Mastiff will not get along with any random kid.
Tibetan Mastiff Husky Life Expectancy
The average lifespan of Tibetan Mastiff Huskies is 10 to 16 years. As mixed-breed dogs are often healthier than their pure breed parents, they tend to live longer.
The life expectancy of both Tibetan Mastiffs and Siberian Huskies ranges between 10 and 15 years. Studies show that due to the generic variations, mixed breeds live longer[5]. This means that your Husky Mastiff can live up to 16 years.
Keep in mind that your dog’s longevity is determined by many factors, not just its breed.
Health Problems
Tibetan Huskies can inherit health issues from their parents. This makes them prone to eye or skin issues, joint diseases, or thyroiditis. A poor diet or lack of exercise also leads to health problems.
The unpleasant part of owning a mixed breed is that they are liable to more diseases. This is because they inherit diseases from both parent breeds.
Some of the problems your Husky Tibetan Mastiff can encounter are:
- Hip Dysplasia
- Arthritis
- Dry Eye
- Skin Infections
- Thyroiditis
- Wobbler Syndrome
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Hip Dysplasia
Hip Dysplasia can occur in the senior stage of your dog’s life. It results in the loosening of joints. It can cause pain and instability. Luckily, this medical issue is preventable.[6]
Arthritis is common in Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes. It is caused by genetics or unusual shaped cartilages and bones. This condition is painful for dogs and can be treated with surgery.
Dry Eye
This condition is common in Siberian Huskies. It occurs when the tear glands do not produce enough tears. This leads to soreness and infections and it is painful for your dog. Because of genetics, your Husky Mastiff can suffer from it too.[7]
Skin Infections
Skin infections are caused when your dog doesn’t get enough zinc from its food. It manifests through redness, oozing skin, and lesions. Skin infections are treated by adding zinc to your dog’s diet.
Thyroiditis arises when the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This affects your dog’s immune system.
Wobbler Syndrome
This medical problem affects the neck region of the spine. It is a neurological condition. Luckily, this health issue is treatable.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated Cardiomyopathy is common among Tibetan Mastiffs. It happens when the heart stops pumping enough blood through the body. It is life-threatening for your dog. Due to genetics, it is common in Husky Mastiffs too.
Husky Tibetan Mastiff Food Requirements
Husky Tibetan Mastiffs need a diet that fulfills both breeds’ needs. Because of the Mastiff parent, they are prone to obesity. At the same time, they need enough calories and carbohydrates to have energy during the day.
Tibetan Mastiff Huskies should eat natural, high-quality food. Depending on their age and size, their diet consists of two to four bowls of dry or wet food a day.
You can also give your Husky Mastiff raw meat, like chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or fish. To achieve a nutritious meal, mix it with vegetables.
Some people also feed their Tibetan Mastiff Husky fruits for a balanced diet.
Husky Tibetan Mastiff Exercise & Training
Exercise and training for this mixed breed is tricky. Depending on what breed it inherits most, your Husky Mastiff will need certain physical activities. When it comes to training, they require a lot of discipline and an experimented trainer.
Huskies have higher energy levels than Tibetan Mastiffs. Both breeds have different needs when it comes to exercise. You have to find a perfectly balanced physical activity level for your Tibetan Mastiff Husky.
Take it out for daily long walks and do not over-exercise it. If your dog’s predominant genes are the Husky ones, try to satisfy its high energy levels with low-impact games. You should also let your dog play without its leash in safe zones.
Training a Husky Mastiff is not for everyone. If you want your puppy to grow into a well-behaved dog, find a trainer with lots of patience and experience.
Tibetan Mastiff Huskies are intelligent dogs that need constant socialization and mental stimulation. They are fast learners, but only when they want to. Consistency is the key element if you want a well-trained dog.
Husky Mastiff Puppies
The puppy stage of a Husky Mastiff’s life is the most complicated one. They can turn aggressive if they are not properly trained as puppies.
Because your dog is constantly growing and developing personality traits, you cannot predict which parent it resembles the most.
This makes training, feeding, and exercising more difficult, especially in their first year of life.
If you want to get a Husky Mastiff, look for breeders locally or online. Ask for information about its parents, their medical history, appearance, friendliness, temper, and more.
Do your research first and never rush into buying a Tibetan Mastiff Husky. You must be completely sure of your choice before getting a dog.
Husky Mastiff Mix Cost
A Husky Tibetan Mastiff costs anywhere from $1000 to $6000. The price depends on their parents and the breeder. The high price is due to the rarity of Tibetan Mastiffs. They are usually more expensive than Siberian Huskies.
Tibetan Mastiffs are difficult to find in certain countries. Because of this, they have exorbitant prices.
The price of a Tibetan Mastiff can reach up to $10,000. Huskies are less expensive. The average price for a Siberian Husky puppy is $1000-$3000.
If you run across this breed mix in a shelter, you can save a lot of money with adoption.
Similar Breeds
Mixed-breeds between Huskies and Mastiffs have a few things in common. All of them are large dogs that need lots of patience and crave attention. But there are also differences.
Husky English Mastiff mixes and Bullsky Mastiff mixes have characteristics that set them apart from the Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix.
Husky English Mastiff Mix
Compared to a Husky Tibetan Mastiff, a Husky English Mastiff has a different physical appearance. Depending on which parent it inherits from the most, the Husky English Mastiff either has a short, thin coat or a long, thick one.
Husky English Mastiffs are also bigger in both height & weight than Tibetan Mastiff Huskies. They can also have different coat colors.
Appearance | Husky English Mastiff |
Height | 24-30 inches |
Weight | 70-180 pounds |
Coat length | Medium/Short |
Coat Color | Black, black and white, grey and white, cooper, light red, sable, agouti, fawn, apricot, brindle |
Bullsky Mastiff
Bullsky Mastiffs have a shorter lifespan than Tibetan Mastiff Huskies. Bullmastiffs usually live eight to ten years, while Siberian Huskies can reach up to 15 years. This difference leads to an average life expectancy of 10-13 years.