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Why is My Dog Panting and Drooling? 5 Causes & Signs

Panting and drooling can be a sign of hot body temperature or stress. Nausea and pain are also common reasons for dogs to pant and drool.

Dogs are energetic animals that love to run and exercise. These playtimes can make them pant and drool after a while. 

Some dogs drool a lot more than others. The French Mastiff, Bulldog, and Bloodhounds are among the heaviest drooler dog breeds.

There can be a serious underlying problem if your dog is drooling and panting without reason. 

A little drool isn’t something to be concerned about, but if there is a continuous stream of saliva, seek a veterinarian to provide better care to your pooch.

Dog Panting and Drooling

Dogs pant and drool when they are feeling hot or unwell. Drooling coupled with panting can indicate your dog is sick or in severe pain. Identify the key issue to help your dog find relief from whatever is bothering it.

Dogs cannot sweat to cool themselves like humans. They rely on panting to cool themselves down when they are hot. Excessive panting can cause drooling to start, which is unpleasant to deal with.

Drooling and panting without any obvious reason can be a sign of illness or pain.

There can be an underlying condition requiring your immediate concern if your dog starts drooling and panting randomly.

Dog Panting and Drooling

5 Reasons Dogs Pant and Drool

There are several reasons why dogs pant and drool excessively. Your dog can suffer from hot body temperature, stress, anxiety, pain, or illness, which is making it drool and pant.

Some dogs are natural-born droolers. Others drool minimally or not at all. Excessive drooling and panting are not normal for dogs and must be investigated, regardless of the breed.

There are several reasons why dogs start drooling and panting randomly, especially if the temperature isn’t hot.

Here are five reasons why your dog exhibits these behaviors.

1. Nausea

An upset stomach is not a pleasant feeling for humans and dogs alike. Your dog can start slobbering and panting if they eat something bad, or if they don’t stop eating. Dogs pant to reduce the bad taste in their mouth. 

They also stop swallowing their saliva, which accumulates in their mouth.

This can create foaming around their mouths, along with other symptoms of nausea:

Your dog can also suffer from poisoning, which must be treated as soon as possible. Consult a veterinarian if you are unsure about the cause of your dog’s behavior.

If this happens during car rides, your dog may be experiencing motion sickness. Read about how to deal with panting in the car.

2. Foreign Object in Throat

Why Do Dogs Like Bones

Frequent drooling and panting can indicate an anomaly in your dog’s food pipe. Your dog can have a hard time swallowing food if there is something stuck in its throat.

One thing that dogs love chewing on is bones. If a bone fragment breaks while your dog is chewing on it, it can lead to choking. Your pooch can pant due to the narrowing of the air passage from choking. Saliva accumulates in the mouth if dogs are unable to swallow it.

Go to a veterinarian to get your proper dog treatment for its choking.

3. Anxiety

Dog Pants and Drool due to anxiety

Dogs develop anxiety and stress like humans. Your dog can show unusual signs if it is anxious. 

Some major symptoms of anxiety in dogs include:

  • Panting
  • Drooling
  • Destructive behaviors
  • Breaking off claws
  • Shaking

Your dog can suffer from separation anxiety[2] if you leave it alone at home for a couple of hours. Figure out what is causing your dog to feel anxious. Train your dog to be calm and patient if it is showing destructive behaviors due to separation anxiety.

You can also give your dog some sedatives to help calm it down and reduce its anxiety. If all else fails, talk to a veterinarian to identify the root cause of anxiety.

4. Pain

Dog panting due to pain

Most dogs whine when they experience pain. Some dogs start drooling and panting to show their pain. The pain can be anywhere in the body but drooling and panting generally indicate pain in the mouth.

An abscessed tooth or a dental disease can cause excessive drooling and panting. A veterinarian can examine your pooch to identify the exact part of their body they experience pain.

5. Sickness

Another reason dogs pant and drool excessively is sickness. Your dog can exhibit these behaviors if it is suffering from an underlying condition:

  • Pneumonia
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disorder
  • Cancer

Call your vet immediately if your dog’s condition worsens, especially if it starts coughing.

Is It Normal for Dogs to Pant and Drool?

It is normal for dogs to pant and drool minimally. Excessive drooling and panting can indicate a problem such as pain, choking, sickness, or anxiety.

Dogs pant after running or engaging in some high-energy play. Panting helps dogs cool themselves. Drooling accompanies panting as dogs don’t swallow their saliva when they are panting. 

Panting and drooling without direct cause can indicate a serious issue that requires veterinary attention. Identify the main cause of this behavior in your pooch. Consult a veterinarian if you are unsure about the stressor.

Is It Normal for Dogs to Pant and Drool
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How to Stop Dogs from Panting and Drooling

You can try to treat your dog’s nausea by giving them small doses of food. Curb your pooch’s anxiety by removing any stressor and training it for separation.

It can be uncomfortable to see your canine friend pant and drool uncontrollably. The first step in eliminating the stressor is to identify it. Once you have an idea of what is causing your dog to drool and pant, you can use home remedies to treat its condition.

There are some other steps you can take to reduce or eliminate these unusual behaviors:

  • Always give fresh water to your dog
  • Train your dog to be calm when you leave it alone
  • Feed small portions of food to your dog in case of nausea
  • Avoid giving your dog bones that are too soft or cooked
  • Treat any injuries or wounds on your dog
  • Give it proper medication and care in case of sickness
  • Consult a veterinarian for proper guidance about your dog’s specific conditions.


Dogs pant and drool when they engage in strenuous activity. Drooling and panting without reason is a cause for concern. Identify the key issue behind your dog’s behavior and take the necessary steps to relieve them of their discomfort.

It is possible for your dog to pant if the weather is hot. In this case, there is nothing to worry about. Go to a veterinarian if your dog doesn’t stop panting to get it checked for signs of choking or illness.


Why is My Dog Panting and Drooling?

Your dog can be panting and drooling for various reasons. The most common is a hot body temperature. Dogs pant to cool themselves down when the heat is high. Your dog can also pant and drool due to stress, anxiety, pain, or sickness.

Why is My Dog Slobbering and Panting?

Slobbering is a common sight with dogs. Excessive slobbering, along with panting, can indicate an underlying condition such as nausea, stress, or pain. These conditions are treated with ease but if the situation worsens, consult a veterinarian to get your dog proper care and attention. 

About Dennis Stapleton

Dennis Stapleton has a passion for animals, especially dogs, and their relatives. He’s intrigued by their social structure and loves to write and teach about the world's most popular pet animal.

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