If you keep a pet hedgehog, you need the following supplies at hand: bedding, food and food bowl, water and bottle, hideouts, toys, and other cage equipment.
If you’re thinking of getting a hedgehog as a pet, one of the first things you need to do is stock up on supplies.
This supply list will give you an idea of what your hedgehog needs, and what is most important to buy.
From food to bedding, these are the basics that you should always have.
Hedgehog Supplies List
Hedgehogs are rodents, and many rodents need the same things when kept as pets. They need something to eat, drink, and play with, for starters.
But, it’s difficult to keep track of all of these things. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a supply list.
Here is a list of basic hedgehog supplies:
- Cage
- Bedding
- Heating lamp or heating pad
- Food
- Water
- Treats
- Food and Water Bowls
- Bed
- Hideout
- Toys
- Exercise Equipment
- Cleaning supplies
- Carrier/transportation unit
- Nail trimmer

The first and most important thing you’ll need for your hedgehog is a cage. The cage should be a minimum of 2×3 feet to provide enough space.
Hedgehogs are active creatures that need plenty of space to roam and explore.[1]
A good rule of thumb is to get a cage that is at least 2 feet by 3 feet. The cage should also be tall enough for your hedgehog to stand up on its hind legs.
The cage should have solid walls and a tight-fitting lid. Wire cages are not recommended for hedgehogs because their spines can get caught in the wire, but they can work.
Glass or plastic aquariums make good cages for hedgehogs. You can also buy purpose-built cages designed specifically for small animals.
Remember to include holes for ventilation when you’re using a cage with solid walls. Hedgehogs need proper ventilation to stay healthy in captivity.

Hedgehogs need a comfortable place to sleep and rest. This is where bedding comes in. You can use many types of bedding, as long as it’s soft and absorbent.
There are a few different types of bedding that can be used for hedgehogs.
The most popular type is shredded paper bedding, which can be easily found at pet stores. This bedding is soft and absorbent, making it ideal for hedgehogs.
Another option is fleece bedding, which is also soft and comfortable but needs to be replaced more often than paper bedding.
No matter what type of bedding you choose, make sure to clean it regularly and replace it when it gets dirty. A clean, comfortable environment is essential for a happy hedgehog.
Heating Lamp or Heating Pad

While hedgehogs can live in environments of different temperatures, they have a preferred range. You need to buy a heating lamp to keep their cage between 75°F and 85°F (23.5-29.5°C).
Hedgehogs don’t thrive in extreme cold or extreme heat. If temperatures drop too low, they go into hibernation. If the temperature rises too much, they suffer from heatstroke.
That’s why heating is essential.
You can either use a heating lamp or a heating pad.
Heating lamps are great as you can move them around easily. Buy a ceramic bulb to avoid emitting too much light, and place it so the temperature reached the ideal level.
Heating pads are also easy to use. Lay it under the cage and set the temperature to the correct level. Then wait for it to heat up the cage.

Food is the most important thing you need to get for your hedgehog. Hedgehogs are mostly carnivores, so their diet consists primarily of meat from insects. They do need some fruits and vegetables for added nutrients.
There are many different types of available food for hedgehogs. You can get commercial hedgehog food, which is typically a mix of meat, fruits, and vegetables.[2]
You can also make your own food, which allows you to tailor the ingredients to your hedgehog’s specific needs.
Some people also use a mix of hedgehog food and high-quality cat food, as the nutrient base is almost the same.
Whichever route you choose, make sure that the food you are giving your hedgehog is high quality with a high amount of protein and nutrients.

Hedgehogs need water. Change the water every day, and wash the bowl out with soap and hot water weekly.
When filling up your hedgehog’s water bowl/bottle, you can either use bottled water or tap water. They don’t have a preference.
If you use tap water, you can let it sit out for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate. You can also use a water filter designed for pets.
Remember, hedgehogs are small animals and can easily drown. So, be sure to use a shallow bowl that your hedgehog can easily get in and out of.
A ceramic bowl works well, as it won’t tip over easily. Place the bowl in an area of your home where your hedgehog feels comfortable and has easy access to it.
Food and Water Bowls

There are two main types of food and water bowls available for hedgehogs: plastic and ceramic. Plastic bowls are the cheapest option and can be found at most pet stores. They are not as durable as ceramic bowls and can easily be chewed through.
Hedgehogs need food and water, but they also need something to eat and drink out of: bowls.
If you want the highest quality bowls, go with ceramic bowls. They are more expensive, but they are much more durable and are less likely to be chewed through.
When choosing food and water bowls for your hedgehog, it is important to select ones that are the right size.
Hedgehogs are small animals, so their bowls should be proportionately sized:
- Bowls that are too large can be tipped over easily and may make it difficult for your hedgehog to access the food or water.
- Bowls that are too small can cause your hedgehog to overeat or become dehydrated.
When setting up your hedgehog’s food and water bowls, place them in an area that is easily accessible to your pet. Hedgehogs are not very agile, so they can have difficulty reaching bowls that are placed too high off the ground.
You should also avoid placing the bowls near areas where your hedgehog hides, such as in a corner or under a piece of furniture.

Hedgehogs need hideouts, or huts, as they are shy. In the wild, they often hide in a den. To replicate their natural environment, and allow them to display their natural instincts, place a hiding spot in their cage.
As a pet hedgehog owner, you’ll want to make sure your little friend has a comfortable place to rest and relax. A hideout is a perfect solution.
Hedgehogs feel safer when they have a place to retreat to.
There are many different types of hideouts available for purchase, but you can also easily make your own. A simple cardboard box or paper towel tube works.
Be sure to punch a few holes in the sides so your hedgehog can breathe.
Once you have your hideout, place it in your hedgehog’s cage. You may need to experiment with a few different locations before you find the perfect spot.
Some hedgehogs like to be near the top of their cage, while others prefer the bottom.
Related: Hedgehog Cage Setup

As most pets, hedgehogs enjoy playing. That’s why they need a few toys. It also helps them exercise and burn energy so they don’t get overweight.
The most popular type of toy is the treat ball.
This is a ball with treats inside it. As the hedgehog plays with the ball, the treats come out. This is a great way to keep your hedgehog active and entertained.
Another popular type of toy is the tunnel.
Hedgehogs love to explore, and tunnels give them a safe place to do that. Tunnels also provide a place for hedgehogs to hide if they feel scared or threatened.
There are many other types of toys available, including chew toys, balls, and more.
Exercise Equipment

Hedgehogs are active animals and need to exercise. A good way to provide this is to get some exercise equipment for them. This can include things like a wheel, ramps, and tunnels.
A wheel is probably the most important piece of exercise equipment for a hedgehog. It allows them to run and get the exercise they need.
Make sure the wheel is the right size for your hedgehog. It should be big enough for them to run in, but not so big that it’s dangerous.
Ramps and tunnels can also be great for exercise. They provide a way for your hedgehog to explore and get some exercise at the same time.
Remember, hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. So, you’ll want to make sure the exercise equipment is available at night when they’re most active.
Otherwise, they may not get enough exercise and could become obese.
Cleaning Supplies
Hedgehog enclosures or cages can get messy. That’s why you need to buy a range of cleaning supplies before bringing home a hedgehog. This is also something you need to stock up on every once in a while.
Buy the following cleaning supplies:
- Sponges
- Washcloth
- Scent-free soap
- Bags for old bedding
What Do Hedgehog Supplies Cost?
Hedgehog Supplies | Costs |
Cage | $15 to $150 |
Bedding | $5 to $10 per month |
Food | $15 to $25 per month |
Food and Water Bowls | $6 to $14 |
Hideout | $5 to $15 |
Toys | $5 to $10 |
Exercise Equipment | $10 to $35 |
Cleaning supplies | $5 to $10 per month |
How to Take Care of a Hedgehog
Hedgehogs are relatively low-maintenance and easy to take care of. They need food and water daily, a cage with the right temperature, clean bedding, a hideout, and some exercise options such as a wheel and toys.
Here are a few tips on how to take care of a hedgehog:
1. Provide a Suitable Habitat

Hedgehogs need a spacious cage with plenty of room to roam and hide. The cage should be escape-proof, as hedgehogs are known to be adept escape artists.
2. Hedgehogs Are Nocturnal
Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you want to bond with your hedgehog, it’s best to do so during the evening hours.
3. Grooming

Hedgehogs are relatively low-maintenance pets, but they do need to be groomed regularly. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris from their fur.
4. Food

Hedgehogs are omnivores and require a diet that consists of both plant and animal matter. Commercially available hedgehog food is a good option, or you can create your own diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat.
5. Water
Hedgehogs need access to clean water at all times. A water bottle with a sipper tube is the best way to provide water for your hedgehog.
6. Health
Hedgehogs are prone to a variety of health problems, so it’s important to take them to the vet for regular check-ups. Some common health problems include respiratory infections, diarrhea, and mites.
How to Set Up A Hedgehog Play Pen
If you have a pet hedgehog, it’s a good idea to set up a playpen for them. This allows them to get out of the cage, explore, and exercise. They are active creatures and need to move around.
A playpen is a great way to give your hedgehog the exercise and stimulation they need.
Here are a few tips on how to set up a hedgehog playpen:
- The playpen should be at least four times the size of your hedgehog. This will give them plenty of room to roam and explore.
- The playpen should be escape-proof. Hedgehogs are known for their ability to escape from small spaces, so make sure the playpen is secure.
- The playpen should be located in a quiet area of the house. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and need a place to rest during the day.
- The playpen should contain plenty of toys and objects for your hedgehog to explore. Hedgehogs are curious creatures and will enjoy playing with new toys.
- The playpen should be cleaned regularly. Hedgehogs are relatively clean animals, but their cage should be cleaned on a weekly basis.
Hedgehog owners recommend having a few basic supplies on hand. These include bedding (a soft cloth or towel is good), a food dish, water bottle, hideouts, toys, and other things.