Hedgehogs mostly eat insects. Their diet mostly consists of beetles, larvae, snails, millipedes, caterpillars, worms, and similar small invertebrates.
Do you have a hedgehog as a pet? Or are you fascinated with the small creature?
If so, you’re probably wondering what hedgehogs eat.
While they are small rodents, they are fierce hunters. Their main prey? Insects.
In this blog post, we’ll give you an in-depth guide to understanding hedgehog food.
What Do Hedgehogs Eat?
Hedgehogs primarily eat insects and other small invertebrates. As they are omnivores, they also consume small amounts of fruits and vegetables.
Wild hedgehogs’ diet varies depending on the season. They eat what they can find, and don’t seem to have a preference when it comes to prey. As long as they can catch it, they’ll eat it.[1]
A typical hedgehog diet includes:
- Beetles
- Fly Larvae
- Snails
- Grasshoppers
- Hornworms
- Earwigs
- Caterpillars
- Millipedes
- Earthworms
Most pet hedgehogs are fed a diet of commercially-prepared food that is specifically designed for them.
These foods usually contain a mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.
Some brands of hedgehog food also include insect larvae, which can be a nutritious treat for your pet.

What Do Hedgehogs Eat in the Wild?
In the wild, hedgehogs primarily eat insects, slugs, snails, earthworms, and other small invertebrates. Hedgehogs are also known to eat fruits and vegetables, but this is not a common occurrence.
Hedgehogs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. This applies both to wild and captive individuals.
Hedgehogs require a diet high in protein and low in fat. Insects make up the majority of their diet, with fruits and vegetables making up a smaller portion.[2]
What Do Hedgehogs Eat as Pets?
Pet hedgehogs should be fed high-quality hedgehog food or high-quality low-fat cat food. This will provide them with the nutrients they need. They can also be fed supplements, such as meal-worms.
If you are considering getting a hedgehog as a pet, it is important to know what they eat in the wild. This allows you to provide them with a proper diet.
The best way to do this is to purchase a pre-made hedgehog food that contains all of the necessary nutrients.
These foods can be found at most pet stores. It is important to avoid giving your hedgehog processed foods or table scraps, as these can make them sick.

What Do African Pygmy Hedgehogs Eat?
African pygmy hedgehogs primarily eat insects. They also consume small amounts of vegetation, such as berries or leaves.[3]
As pets, African pygmy hedgehogs are fed a diet of commercially available hedgehog food. This should be high-quality, low-fat food specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs.
Insects should be offered as part of their diet. These can be live or frozen. Mealworms, crickets, and waxworms are all good choices. Vegetables and fruits can also be given as occasional treats.
What Fruits Can Hedgehogs Eat?
Fruits are an important part of a hedgehog’s diet. Hedgehogs can eat a variety of fruits, including apples, blueberries, watermelons, and strawberries. Fruits provide hedgehogs with essential vitamins and minerals.
Hedgehogs should only eat small amounts of fruit each day. Too much fruit can cause gastrointestinal problems in hedgehogs.
If you are feeding your hedgehog fruit, offer a variety of other foods as well. A balanced diet is important for all pets, including hedgehogs.

What Veggies Can Hedgehogs Eat?
Hedgehogs are omnivorous animals, so they do eat small amounts of vegetables. The best veggies for hedgehogs are dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale. Other good options include carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas.
Avoid giving your hedgehog starchy or sugary vegetables like corn or beans, as these can cause digestive problems.
When feeding your hedgehog vegetables, make sure to chop them into small pieces so they can easily eat them.
How Much Does a Hedgehog Eat?
Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that are found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. These little creatures have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years. If you’re thinking of getting a hedgehog, it’s important to know how much they eat.
Hedgehogs typically eat 1 to 3 tablespoons of food per day. This amount can vary depending on the hedgehog’s size and activity level. Some hedgehogs may eat more or less than this, so it’s important to monitor your pet’s food intake.
What Do Hedgehogs Drink?
Hedgehogs drink water if they have to, but rely on fluids from their prey and natural diet for hydration. They don’t require much water to survive and drink from puddles, ponds, and dew when needed.
Hedgehogs get most of the water they need from the food they eat. But, if water is available, they will drink it.
In the wild, hedgehogs usually get their water from dew on plants or small puddles. They also visit ponds, garden ponds, or streams to drink.
In captivity, hedgehogs should have a water bowl available at all times.
The bowl should be heavy enough that it cannot be easily tipped over. It should also be shallow enough that the hedgehog can reach the water without having to put its head all the way in.
Hedgehogs are not strong swimmers, so their water bowls should be half their height.

Are Hedgehogs Omnivores?
Yes, hedgehogs are considered omnivores. This means they eat both plants and animals. Hedgehogs are known to eat a variety of different foods in the wild, including insects, snails, frogs, lizards, baby birds, and even small mammals.
While they enjoy eating meat, hedgehogs also consume a fair amount of fruits and vegetables.
In captivity, hedgehogs are fed a diet of commercial dry food that is specifically made for omnivores.
They can also have supplemental fruit, vegetables, and insects.
What Is the Best Hedgehog Food?
The best food for pet hedgehogs is commercially available high-quality hedgehog food. This contains a mix of dry ingredients like pellets, seeds, nuts, and dried fruits.
Pet hedgehogs can be fed one of two things:
- High-quality hedgehog food (naturally low in fat).
- High-quality cat food (go for low-fat options).
Wet or canned foods are also available and may contain meat, fish, or poultry as the primary protein source.
It is important to select a food that is high in protein, low in sugar, and low in fat, as hedgehogs are prone to obesity and diabetes.
Consult your veterinarian when selecting the best food for your hedgehog. They can help you create a diet plan that meets your pet’s specific nutritional needs.

What Are the Best Treats for Hedgehogs?
Hedgehogs aren’t picky eaters, but the best treats for them are insects or sweet fruits.
Use these as treats and supplements to their regular diet. Too many treats cause obesity and can result in obesity-related health issues.
Insects as Hedgehog Treats
One of the best treats you can give your hedgehog is insects.
Hedgehogs are natural insectivores and love to eat bugs. crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers are all great options.
You can buy live insects at most pet stores, or you can catch them yourself if you’re feeling adventurous.
Fruits and Vegetables as Hedgehog Treats
Fruits and vegetables are also good treats for hedgehogs. Some of their favorites include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and melon.
They also enjoy leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Chop up any fruits or vegetables into small pieces so your hedgehog doesn’t choke on them.
How Do Hedgehogs Find Food?
Hedgehogs use their long, sharp claws to dig through undergrowth and leaf litter in search of food. They also use their powerful sense of smell to locate prey. Once they have found a prey animal, they use their sharp teeth to kill and eat it.
While small, hedgehogs are great at finding food. They can’t see well, but have a powerful nose. They use their sense of smell to find their prey.
When they find an insect, they quickly claw or bite them.
Hedgehogs are important members of the ecosystem because they help to control populations of pests and diseases.
They also provide a food source for other animals, such as owls and foxes.
Pet hedgehogs are omnivores and eat both plants and invertebrates. They consume a wide variety of foods in the wild including fruits, seeds, nuts, insects, spiders, worms, and other small animals. Their diet consists mostly of small insects.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Strawberries?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are a good source of nutrition for hedgehogs. Hedgehogs like the sweetness of strawberries and the fruit provide them with important vitamins and minerals. Hedgehogs can eat several strawberries per day without any problems, but if they eat too many, they may suffer from diarrhea or an upset stomach.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Watermelon?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat watermelon. Watermelon is a good source of hydration for them and is a healthy treat. Remove the seeds before feeding them to your hedgehog. Seeds can be a choking hazard and cause digestive problems.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes?
No, hedgehogs cannot eat grapes. Grapes are toxic to hedgehogs and can make them sick. The toxins in grapes can damage a hedgehog’s liver and kidneys. Symptoms of grape toxicity in hedgehogs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Blueberries?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat blueberries. While blueberries are not a major part of a hedgehog’s natural diet, they can be a healthy and delicious treat for your pet hedgehog. Blueberries are high in antioxidants and vitamins, which can help to boost your hedgehog’s immune system. They are also a good source of fiber, which is important for digestive health.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Apples?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat apples. Apples are a good source of nutrients. Remove the apple seeds before giving them to your hedgehog. Apple seeds contain cyanide, which is poisonous to hedgehogs. Avoid giving your hedgehog apple cores as they can choke on them.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Cheese?
No, hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and cheese is a dairy product. Hedgehogs can eat other types of food such as fruits, vegetables, and meat. If you are looking to give your hedgehog a treat, there are many lactose-free options available at your local pet store.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Mango?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat mango. This sweet and juicy fruit makes a delicious and healthy treat for your pet hedgehog. Mangoes are packed with vitamins and minerals that can boost your hedgehog’s health. Avoid feeding your hedgehog too much mango, as this can cause gastrointestinal issues.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Mushrooms?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat mushrooms. Keep in mind that not all mushrooms are safe for hedgehogs to eat. Some mushrooms are poisonous to animals, so it’s important to only feed your hedgehog safe mushrooms.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Blackberries?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat blackberries. They often snack on berries in the wild, and blackberries are no exception. The skin of blackberry is very tough and can be difficult for a hedgehog to digest. It’s best to remove the skin before giving your hedgehog a blackberry.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Sweet Potato?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potato is a good source of vitamins and minerals for hedgehogs. It is also a low-calorie food, which is good for hedgehogs that are overweight.